Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Buddy Meetze

Susan Brill

Bernice Scott, Chair

Greg Pearce

Thelma Tillis

District 1

District 9

District 10

District 6

District 3

Wednesday, July 19, 2000, 5:00 p.m.

Report of Actions

Call To Order - Bernice Scott, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:00.

Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the June 27, 2000 Regular Session Meeting were approved as submitted.

Adoption of Agenda - The agenda was adopted as amended. Item D under "Items for Action" was moved to Item A, and Item B under "Items for Information/Discussion" was moved to Item B under "Items for Action." All the other items were reordered as necessary.

Items for Action - Item B was recommended for the Council Consent Agenda.

A. Ordinance Amendment: Noise - The Committee recommended that Council give first reading approval to this ordinance regarding noise enforcement within municipalities within the county pending Legal's review to ensure this amendment is cleared by all the municipalities.

B. Ordinance Amendment: Parking in Residential Zones - The Committee recommended that Council give first reading approval to this ordinance amendment regarding parking in residential zones.

C. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Storm Drainage Ordinance - The Committee deferred this item to the next Committee meeting.

D. Amendment to the Richland County Code: Billboard Ordinance - The Committee deferred this item until the Planning Commission completes its work. The Committee also referred this item to the next Special Called Council meeting and recommended that Council give first reading approval to an ordinance extending the billboard moratorium for another ninety days.

Items Pending Analysis

A. Citizen Complaints about Genesis Cable Company - This is a work in progress, and no discussion took place.

B. Impact of the Closing of City of Columbia Landfill - This is a work in progress until negotiations with the City are concluded and brought back to Council.

Items for Information / Discussion

A. Status Report on the County Master Sewer Plan - The Committee received this as information.

B. Status of the Morris amendment regarding manufactured housing - The Committee deferred this item until the next Committee meeting at Council member Morris' request.

Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 6:02.

Staffed by Ash Miller